After delaying the Tyranid hoard for weeks with disposable infantry, Hive Fleet Colossus has finally reached the main center of control in the Eastern Grasslands. Supply Depot Delta. Waves of Rippers are repelled by the Necromundan 124th 2nd company as they provide cover as the facilities equipment and personnel are ferried across the Acaris river to the safety of Imperial lines. But as the last of the ferries prepares to leave Colossus' relentless attack ceases as the skies darken with mysetic spores. The 2nd digs in as the true battle starts...
This is a standard annihilation battle, with us deploying along the short edges of our 3'x5' table (be nice to get a proper 4'x6' soon) Nids got the first turn.
Necromundan 124th, 2nd company
C 1 - Chimera (heavy flamer and multi-laser) with Veteran Squad (10), armed with 3 plasma guns, a heavy weapons team (autocannon) and lasguns.
C 2 - Chimera (heavy flamer and multi-laser) with Ogryn squad (5) with Bone 'Ead and Ripper Guns.
C 3 - Chimera (heavy flamer and multi-laser) with Veteran Squad and Primaris Psyker (10) armed with 3 plasma guns, a heavy weapons team (autocannon) and lasguns.
M1/M2 - Medusa Siege Tank, extra armour, enclosed crew compartment
Hive Fleet Colossus, Vitor sector splinter
H.T - Hive Tyrant with things I can't remember.
C1 - Carnifex with twin-linked devourers with brainleech worms, scything talons, mysetic spore 1
W 2 - Tyranid Warriors (4) with Venom Cannon and Devourers, mysetic spore 2
R-Ripper Swarm (5)
Nids Turn 1
Both the Hive Guard and the Tyrant moved and ran towards the central building, while the Rippers advanced into the rear building and went to ground (where they stayed the whole game)
IG turn 1
Chimeras 1,2 and 3 all moved up 6" and inflicted a wound on the Hive Guard.
Medusa 2 moved 12" behind the forward building to get a better shot next turn.
Medusa 1 fired on the Hive guard and inflicted 2 wounds, but they made their cover saves.
Nid turn 2
The Tyrant ran forward next to the central building and the Hive Guard emerged from the other side of the building and fired on chimera 1, immobilizing and stunning it.
In a rain of mysetic spores, Carnifex 1 appeared behind chimera 2 and wreaked it, and the Warriors emerged from their own spore next to Medusa 1 and fire on its side armour to no effect.
The Trygon rose up from the ground next to the central building in front of the Tyrant.
IG turn 2
The Ogryns bailed from the wreck of Chimera 2 and were pinned.
Medusa 2 moved back 12"
Chimera 3 fired on the Trygon, 2 plasma gunners died as their weapons cooked off, and the auto cannon inflicted 2 wounds
To round off the turn Medusa 1 fired point blank into the Warriors and made a direct hit and killed 3, leaving 1 warrior left.
Nids turn 3
The first Mysetic Spore fired on the Ogryns and inflicted 2 wounds, while the 2nd Spore fired on Chimera 1 blowing it up and killing 6 of the Guardsmen inside.
The Hive Guard fired on Medusa 1 which blew up.
The carnifex fired on the Ogryns, causing another 2 wounds and killing 1 before charging them, killing one more(2wounds) and receiving a wound in return and the Ogryns fled.
The Trygon assaulted Chimera 3 which was wrecked
The remaining Warrior charged the 4 guardsmen from the wreck of chimera 1 and in a spectacular display of epic fail inflicted 0 wounds! and received one in return
IG turn 3
the Ogryns fell back towards the left board edge (their path to my edge was impeded
Medusa 2 fired on the Carnifex, wounding it and the nearby Mysetic Spore.
The squad with the Primaris ran from their wrecked chimera into the nearby building.
The combat between the Warrior and the other vet Squad continued, taking 3 wounds from the Warrior and the Sergeant putting one on the Warrior, before fleeing and being wiped out.
Nids turn 4
the Carnifex and Warrior advance on the remaining Medusa and fire on it, the Warrior shook it and the Carnifex blew it up, but was too close and received a wound.
The Hive Guard advanced and fired on the Ogryns, killing another.
the Tyrant fired on the Prymaris squad killing 1, and used its Peroxym psychic power on the squad, nerfing them down to WS1.
The Trygon then charged the squad and killed them all.
IG turn 5
The fleeing Ogryns; my last unit on the field, fled 5" and fired on the mysetic spore inflicting 2 wounds.
Nid turn 5
the Nids all moved towards the Ogryns and fired on them but did nothing.
Now in control of the Eastern Grasslands the Nids are in a position to hit the main line across the river. However, in their mad rush for the rich biomass of the northern mining collective to the west their flanks are exposed. Will Colossus smash through the heavily defended imperial lines or will the imperium hold them off and strike the beasts soft underbelly? Only time will tell...
Nids-8, IG-0. Well that was yet another craptacular performance by yours truly. Feel free to comment, particularly on how to make a list that can kill all his stuff in the turn before my things die. Im guessing 80 guardsmen(6 las cannons) and an executioner ought to do it, but help is very, very appreciated.
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Well, if you need some help with your list, I might be of assistance ^^
ReplyDeleteIt seems as you are in to IG-Mech, no? Good ^^
Let's look at your choices:
All your Chimeras are kitted out exactly as they should be, M-L and HF always does the trick.
Well, I would say that this kit is not the optimal for a Take-All army, but it's quite effective against the MC heavy ones. I'd consider giving one of the squads Meltas instead, in case you'd fight against something else. But, as it seems you're only fighting Nidz, stick with the Plasma.
Drop the Heavy weapons. You are supposed to stay mobile with a Mech army, and you'll never stand still long eneough to fire thoose weapons if you're playing optimal, except for maybe one turn, in which case they are hardly worth their pts. So, i'd suggest two squads like this:
3 Plasma
Chimera with M-L and HF
Not all to expensive, and they'll work nicely against MC's. But, to make them properly effective, seeing as the Getting Hot rule will cost you tons of pts and valuable firepower:
I'd suggest getting rid of the Primaris and picking up a CCS armed with 4 Meltas in a Chimera. This unit comes in at 145pts and is quite cheap for what it does. In case of much needed MC killing, drop the Plasma Squads out of their Chimeras as you've run up to a target of your choice, give them the Bring It Down! order and watch them kill a Carnie. I, myself, run 2-3 Melta quads per squad with Plasma though.
Now, just drop theese. Theese are a huge pts sink and their pts could be well spent in other places, as for instance grabbing the CCS as it will cost you a bit more than the Primaris.
Well, theese guys are simply Demolishers with worse AV now. So the tip is simple, change them to Demolishers with hull mounted HF's. Theese will Insta-Kill Warriors and put wounds on hard stuff. But, to be honest, i'd only get one Demolisher, and then invest in a...
Now, this guy will give you some much needed anti-MC power. He WILL draw some attention, so clever movement and placing is crucial. But, once you fire off with this guy you'll be popping MC's like you wouldn't beieve.
Now, as i've suggested so far you would stand at:
ReplyDelete4 Meltas
Chimera with M-L and HF
Veteran Squad
3 Plasmas
Chimera with M-L and HF
Veteran Squad
3 Plasmas
Chimera with M-L and HF
This would land you at 780pts. Your original list being at 1025pts, i'm guessing you're aiming for a friendly 1k. So, with 220pts to spare, what could you get?
For 65pts and at this pts lvl, he'll win you games. This guy has the potential to wipe out a squad of Termies on his own in one shooting pase, so what's not to like? If he doesn't throw anything at him, sit back and sniper his MS'c to death (Bs5, 4+ to wound and Ap2 is always something).
That leaves you 155pts left over, and what to get?... Well, you could invest in a Chimelta, if you're feeling cheeky. The 3 Meltaguns will without a doubt help in the killing of the gribblies. Or, you could also get something in the lines of this:
Infantry Squad
Infantry Squad
This brings you 10pts over, but seeing as you seem to be quite ok with small surplusses, this will work. The IS's will sit back on an objective and the PCS will make the Vendetta scoring.
But, I do advise for the Chimelta over this, as the IS's are easy picking for his Trygon/Carnifex/Whatever he might throw at them. They might hold it up for a turn, but they'll perish in the end.
Summing it all up, this is what i'm sugesting:
4 Meltas
Chimera with M-L and HF
Veteran Squad
3 Plasmas
Chimera with M-L and HF
Veteran Squad
3 Plasmas
Chimera with M-L and HF
Veteran Squad
3 Meltas
Chimera with M-L and HF
Hope it helps ^^
Cheers ^^
thanks Hussar! much appreciated. Ive played guard for a number of years but took a break over the last 12 months or so to do some Dark Eldar and I'm a bit out of practice. Looks like good suggestions, I'll run it and see what happens!